Today I have a little mission review. The mission takes place over Libya.
This time the enemy is Libya |
F-19 Stealth Fighter let you fly in four different regions or conflicts. Ranging from rather easy missions against Muammar Gaddafi's Libya to a all out World War III scenario in central Europe, you will find a wide variety of missions. In the Persian Gulf scenario you will face the Iranian Air Force. The North Cape will depict the northern front in a conflict with the former Soviet Union.
In addition the the region, you can choose how good your enemies will be trained, the level of conflict (cold, limited or conventional war) and some difficult setting (e.g. no crashes, easy landings).
All these settings result in a overall difficulty level, which determines your score after the mission.
Mission Briefing |
Before you take off, you'll get a rather detailed mission briefing which tells you what your primary and secondary objectives are. This time we have to destroy an enemy camp and take some pictures of an enemy HQ.
Radars, Missile sites, enemy Airbases ... uhh |
In addition to the mission briefing you get some detailed info on known missile sites, radar installations etc.
Arming your plane |
Beside the normal arsenal of missiles and bombs, you can equip your plane with special equipment like a camera, additional fuel or even a crate of Stinger missiles (which you have to deliver to a group of insurgents).
Just one last nap of your coffee and off we go ... |
F-19 cockpit |
Ok, let's take a little tour around the cockpit. On the left side we start with the throttle and the lights for gear and autopilot. Two MFDs are in the center of the cockpit and between these screens we have a blue bar, which shows us how much we are exposed to enemy radar by ourselves as well as how much enemy radars are searching for us.
On the top is a usual HUD with all the typical information. Several warning lights on the right side complete the cockpit.
The two modes of the left MFD is a navigational map and a tactical map. The tactical map has a lot of infos on the position of enemy planes, radar installations, boats and stationary targets like bridges, air bases etc.
The right MFD has even more infos on various systems and weapons. First and foremost the built in camera, which shows selected targets and identifies them for you. Furthermore you have screens for damage reports, waypoint management and weapon systems.
Enemy contact |
Shortly after take off, we make the first enemy contact in form of a libyan missile boat. As we are on a low level conflict mission, we're not to engage other targets than the primary and secondary and leave the boat alone.
Primary target |
After a while we spot the primary target. Until now, the mission was rather uneventful. Only one hit by an enemy SAM.
Maverick away! |
... and target destroyed!
Our attack woke up several alert crews of the surrounding air bases. The Libyans scrambled several fighter patrols. We drop down to 200 feet and keep a low profile until we're near the secondary target.
Smile! |
Just a few miles before our secondary target, we pop up to 1.5000 ft and activate the camera. We take a few pictures, close the weapon bay and drop down to 200 ft again. Time to go home.
On final |
On my way back I took some hits by enemy SAM, but was able to make it back to Suda Bay AB.
16bit era graphics - nice!
In the After-Action-Report you can review your mission. All important events can be reviewed in a chronological order.
Still Major ... |
After a successful mission, all the pilots gather in the officers club. If you're promoted or receive a medal, the room gets more and more crowded.
Well, that's it for today guys.